Telling you that the life of a sailor is always rosy and full of nostalgia would be a lie. In their lifetime, sailors are prone to a disease or another.
In this article, ten common sailor disease that affect sea men at sea are to be discussed.
Due to the environmental and offshore working conditions, sailors become prone to illnesses and disorders.
Some of these dysfunctions are curable while others are lifelong.
This article will contain the name of the disease, cause, symptoms and possible remedies. Ensure to prepare amply when going on a voyage for the first time or during subsequent voyages.
A disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of injury.
Oxford Languages
Diseases are often medical conditions that are associated with specific symptoms and signs.
NOTE: The term “sailor disease” does not imply that such a disease only affects sailors or should be associated soly to sailors.
Table of Contents
The common sailor disease includes;
Eating rats was one of the most potent ways of fighting scurvy.
Rats are capable of producing vitamins needed for its metabolism unlike humans.
Scurvy is also known as the sailor disease or scorbutus.
Scurvy is a disease caused by severe deficiency of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the diet.
Lack of vitamin c in the body causes collagen (a protein found in body tissue) to be deficient. Hence, someone suffering from scurvy is said to be scorbutic.
In 1747, James Lind a marine apprentice onboard HMS Salisbury (Royal Navy) helped to conquer this killer disease with lemons.
He divided a 12 scorbutic men into six pairs and treated them with remedies suggested in 1622 by Sir Richard Hawkins.
Lind treated each pair with different remedies such as sea water, vinegar, gum myrrh, cider, garlic, elixir of vitriol and lemon/oranges.
By the end of a week, those put on an orange and lemon treatments could nurse themselves.
This disease is primitive but can still affect modern day sailors.
Sailors who do not include fresh vegetable and fruits are sure to become scorbutic. Most ships have faulty or no refrigeration plants and system. Hence, there is no means to preserve fruits and vegetable for a longer periods. This prompt the sailors to consume the supplied fruits and vegetables in a short period to prevent it getting spoilt. After consumption of all vitamin C source onboard, such sailors may suffer from scurvy if they stay longer periods without vegetables and fruits.
SYMPTOMS includes ulceration of gums, spontaneous bleeding, anemia (lack of blood), weakness/drowsiness/laziness, aching joints, changes to hair, swollen legs and arms looking purple from bruises, rash and falling teeth.
CURE: consumption of fruit and vegetables with vitamin C. Guava and red peppers contain more vitamin c than oranges. Medications prescribed by a medic may also be simultaneously taken.
Sea sickness is also known as motion sickness.
This sailor Disease affects virtually all sailors.
It is caused as a result of conflicting signals sent to the brain by the sense organs. Your eyes tells the brain that you are spinning, your muscles feel something else, and your inner ears (vestibular system- tells your brain whether you are sitting or standing) senses differently.
The Signals sent to the brain becomes conflicting and that is why you end up sick and dizzy with nausea.
The vestibular system includes three pairs if semicircular canals and two sacs (saccule and utricle). The semicircular canals holds a fluid that moves when you turn your head while the saccule/utricle are sensitive to gravity.
Anyone can get sea sick.
Sea sickness is a lifelong condition for sea farers. This makes it one of the commonest sailor disease. Although, 2 out of 10 sailors are resistant to sea sickness. Sea sickness becomes intense during the wet/rainy season when the swell is high at sea.
SYMPTOMS: Nausea/vomiting, fever, head ache, fatigue and lethargy, uneasiness, dizziness, loss of appetite in some people (vice versa in others), pale skin, increased saliva production and so on.
EASE IT BY; Avoiding alcohol and smoking, Breathing fresh air, relaxing, looking at stable objects, Taking lime-grapes-ginger, avoid overfeeding, eat slowly-small-frequently, avoid taking too much water, oral medications; some belief taking a little sea water helps.
Malaria is also referred to as plasmodium infection. Malaria is an intermittent and remittent fever caused by a plasmodium parasite transmitted by an infected female anopheles mosquito.
Intermittent fever involves bodily rise and falls in temperatures while remittent fever causes increasing rise in bodily temperature.
The degree of malaria severity depends on the species of plasmodium.
The species of plasmodium includes;
- falciparum
- malariae
- vivax
- ovale and
- knowlesi
You might be wondering why a sailor at sea would be suffering from malaria.
Can mosquitos fly offshore? The incubation period of malaria is between 7 to 18 days depending on the specific parasite you are infected with.
This means that a sailor probably got bitten by an infected mosquito at the jetty or quay side. Malaria is also a sailor disease to watch out for.
Sea sickness and the prevalent weather conditions at sea fosters malaria and eventually, the sailor’s becomes ill.
Malaria forms part of the sailor Disease because it affects a huge percentage of sailors annually.
SYMPTOMS: High fever, loss of appetite, chills and shivering, vomiting and nausea, sweating, dehydration, weakness of the body and son on.
TREATMENT: Take anti-malarial medications as prescribed by the medic.
It is advised to carry an artillery of personal anti-malarial drugs because that plasmodium hits like a revolver. Although, all drugs should be declared to the master/captain of a vessel upon boarding for advice.
A headache is any pain felt in any part of the head or upper neck of the body caused by the inflammation or irritation of the structures surrounding the brain.
Such pain may range from sharp, throbbing, constant, intermittent, intense, and mild or dull as the case may be.
The pain originates from the tissues and structures surrounding the skull or the brain.
A headache to a sailor is spontaneous and may also be routinely due to the stressful nature of his/her daily activities.
The International headache Society made known its latest classification system for headaches as; primary headaches, secondary headaches and cranial neuralgias/facial pain and other headaches.
Examples of headache includes;
- Migraine
- Rebound headache
- Tension head ache
- Hangover headache
- Traumatic headache
- Post-concussion
- Thunder-clap
- Sinus headache and
- Cluster headache.
Injury, weather conditions and stress are factors that lead to headaches.
SYMPTOMS: Nausea, Vomiting, painful sensation in the head, fever, weakness, change in vision.
TREATMENT: Usage of OTC (over the counter) Medications such as pain killers help in relieving head ache.
Alternative means such as hypnosis, acupuncture, behavioral therapy and herbal products may serve as treatments methods.
Sufficient rest can also ease aid in relieving headaches.
It is crucial to seek a doctor’s advice. Declare all drugs including pain killers to the ship’s master upon boarding a ship.
Ensure to limit alcohol intake and take breaks when working.
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Many a few sailors suffer unknowingly from jock itch.
Jock itch is like an underdog sailor Disease that shys away from the lime light. Truly, it is a menacing infection.
This infection is extremely discomforting and annoying.
Jock itch may be also called; crotch rot, eczema marginatum, crotch itch, dhobi itch, gym itch, jock rot and scot rot.
Tinea cruris or jock itch is a fungal infection in the groin or scrotum area, thigh skin or anus in either sex but is most prevalent among men.
Affected areas appear brown, reddish or tan with peeling, flaking, rippling and cracking skin. Jock itch is generally caused by excess moisture, sweating, skin rubbing or friction, irritation from tight-fitting or abrasive underwear/jockstraps, yeast infection and/or bacteria over growth.
It is an opportunistic infection.
Jock itch affects mainly the engine crew onboard a vessel. This is because of the high temperature workspace or engine room.
It causes heat, sweating and excess moisture which are all causes of the infection. Diabetic and obsessed crew members may also be affected by such an infection.
It becomes communicable when left untreated and may cause an irritating odor.
SYMPTOMS: Itching or a burning sensation in the affected area, ring like pink or red rash in groin folds, pain and odor.
CURE: Jock itch is easily cured in most cases and frequently resolves spontaneously on its own. That is why it disappears almost instantly when a sailor goes on time-off.
Good groin hygiene is also advised as it helps to prevent and easy eradication of jock itch.
Keeping the genital area clean and dry, washing frequently with gentle soap and water also aids in the curb of jock itch.
Removing heat and moisture from the affected area is the most effective way.
It is best treated with anti-fungal medications such as funbeaut A and creams, as well as powder. Ampicillin tablets has been proven effective for jock itch.
Vaseline is also a potent cure to this ravaging sailor disease.
The importance of anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory lotion such as funbaeut A cannot be over emphasized. In times of infection, it is more precious than Gold.
Due to the excessive consumption of inorganic foods which contain high level of saturated fat and sugar, some sailors tend to develop diabetes.
In 2014, the number of people with diabetes rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million.
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce adequate insulin for metabolism or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin produced.
Insulin is a hormone that regulates the blood sugar level just like a governor a diesel engine.
The types of diabetes includes;
- T ype 2 (caused by the body’s ineffective use of insulin) and
- type 1 (caused by deficient insulin production).
Type 2 diabetes is caused by excess weight and physical in activity.
An individual with type 1 diabetes require daily administration of insulin. Neither the cause of type 1 diabetes nor the means to prevent it is known.
Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and lower limb amputation. Ensure to carry out routine test your blood sugar level.
SYMPTOMS: Increased and excessive rate of urination, thirst, constant hunger, vision changes, slowly healing injuries (due to reduced immune system function), fatigue and weight loss.
PREVENTION: Avoid the usage of tobacco, eat healthy diet, avoid sugar and saturated fats, be physically active- exercise more often, maintain a healthy body weight.
As a sailor, you should exercise often.
Physical inactivity causes diabetes.
Ensure to eat organic foods, fruits and vegetables.
If you are diabetic, inspect your feet and shoes every day; ensure all wounds are treated properly.
Enteric fever, slow fever or typhoid is a bacterial disease spread through contaminated food, water, poor sanitation and poor hygiene.
It is caused by the bacteria; salmonella typhi.
It affects the gastrointestinal organs such as liver, spleen and muscles more severely. Its onset is between 6- 30 days after exposure.
Some individuals may carry the bacterium without being affected but may be able to spread it to others in contact with them.
Mischievous Ship chandlers may supply contaminated water and food to ships. Such contaminated supply may cause an outbreak of typhoid among sailors onboard a ship.
SYMPTOMS: High fever, weakness, mild vomiting, intestinal hemorrhage, respiratory disease such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis, confusion, head ache, stomach pain, dry cough, myalgia diarrhea or constipation and so on.
This long list of symptoms stands to attest to the fact that typhoid can be fatal.
TREATMENT: Typhoid is dangerous but curable.
This is achieved with the use of antibiotics that kills the bacteria. Improvement may be observed within one to three days and total recovery within six to ten days.
Typhoid can be prevented by taking clean and treated water.
As a sailor, ensure to get vaccinated against typhoid.
You should probably go onboard with some antibiotics which you are not allergic to. Doing so may protect you against serious health issues at sea.
Although, all drugs should be declared to the master/captain of a vessel upon boarding for advice.
STD may also be called a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or venereal disease (VD).
STDs are infections transmitted through sexual activities caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites.
These infections are contracted by having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone who has the STD. This doesn’t mean that STDs are only contracted through sexual intercourse, coming in contact with boily fluids of infected person’s may lead to carriage.
The most common STDs includes Human immune deficiency Virus (HIV), Aids, Genital herpes Human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia, Gonorrhea (the clap), Trichomoniasis, yeast infection, scabies and so on.
Due to the promiscuity, Sexually transmitted diseases have become prominent among certain promiscuous sailors.
It would be best to observe good personal and sanitary hygiene.
Most people may not know they have contracted such infections and disease.
Hence, routine medical testing and check –up is advised.
Avoid coming in contact with bodily fluids and blood of others because one may never know the medical conditions suffered by another.
If you have an STD, it would be best to inform your fellow crew member.
Ensure to offer care and support to fellow crew members suffering from such diseases and infections. Do not stigmatize such individuals.
SYMPTOMS: pain or discomfort during sex or urination, frequent urination than usual, unusual discharge or bleeding from the penis or vagina, painful or swollen testicles, sores-bumps-or rashes on or around the mouth, testicles, penis, vagina, anus, buttocks or thighs, itchiness in or around the vagina, unusual and smelly discharge from the vagina, warts on the genitals (for HPV), hair loss, fever, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, loss of vision/memory/hearing (for syphilis), recurrent fatigue.
TREATMENTS: If STDs are left untreated, it may lead to infertility. Furthermore, some strains of HPV infection can lead to oral, penile, cervical, vulvar, and rectal cancer.
The use of condoms during sexual intercourse is advised.
Having a single sexual partner reduces the chances of you contracting such deadly diseases.
Syphilis, chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Trichomoniasis are easily treated with antibiotics. HIV, Herpes and a few other STDs are presently, incurable.
Yellow fever is a viral hemorrhagic infection spread by the mosquito, Aedes aeypti.
It is rare but fatal. Half of those who contract the disease die within 7-10 days.
The disease is endemic in tropical areas of Africa and Central and South America. Consequentially, 37 African countries are endemic to yellow fever.
Yellow fever incubates in the body for 3 to 6 days before the onset of symptoms.
SYMPTOMS: Head ache, fever, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain.
TREATMENT AND PREVENTION: Yellow fever is prevented by a vaccine.
This vaccine is safe, affordable and extremely effective.
A single dose of the yellow fever vaccine provides a life-long protection against the virus.
Although, yellow fever is difficult to diagnose especially in its early stage. Eliminating the potential mosquito breeding sites by applying insecticides and larvicides to stagnant water will help in vector control.
Depression is also called Major Depressive Disorder or Clinical Disorder.
It is a common mood disorder that causes loss of interest and a persistent feeling of sadness and fatigue.
It affects the thought, behavior, feeling and emotions of its victims. People who suffer from depression are usually suicidal.
Depression is caused by hormones, inherited traits, the need to see loved ones and boredom.
Sailors who over stay their contract duration usually suffer from depression at the long run. This is because they miss their family and loved ones as well as the trills onshore.
SYMPTOMS: Angry outbursts, loss of interest in daily activities, insomnia, emptiness, tearfulness, reduced appetite and weight loss, slowed responses, fatigue, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, physical aches or pain, suicidal thoughts and so on.
TREATMENT: Consult a doctor if you feel depressed. The use of medications and/or psychotherapy is advised.
Ensure to show care, love and concern to a depressed person. Allow such a sailor go on time-off if that is what is desired by him/her.
The above listed are among the list of prevalent disease, disorders and infections that may affect a sailor while at sea or onshore.
Feel free to comment other disorders, infections and diseases that you believe should have made this list.
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